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30th September, 1pm – 5pm

Alderley Park Conference Centre, Helix 1 and 2
Register here to confirm your place


Join us for a series of short research talks and live demonstrations of advanced microscopy. Talks will be given by several external speakers discussing the research made possible by cutting-edge imaging methods. There will also be plenty of opportunities to get hands-on with the microscopes themselves. This half-day event will showcase the research enabled by techniques such as:

  • Poly(glycerol sebacate) nanoparticles for encapsulation of hydrophobic anti-cancer drugs.Laser-free confocal
    Create crisp 3D sectioned images of many specimens, large or small including model organisms, such as C.elegans and Zebrafish, fungus and plant specimens, cell cultures and tissue specimens with the capability of time lapse data capture for live cell imaging. These images allow researchers to gain information to help in numerous research areas, including cancer research, neuroscience and developmental biology.
  • STED super-resolution
    A completely new class of nanoscope with unprecedented resolution down to 20nm. STED technology is used in cancer research, neurobiology, and developmental biology to resolve structures that can not be seen with conventional confocal microscopy due to the diffraction-barrier. It has helped to describe the Actin/Spectrin organisation in neurons and the symmetry of the nuclear pore complex.
  • Correlative light and electron microscopy
  • Fluorescence lifetime imaging
  • Microscopic insect on the petal of a flower imaged using scanning electron microscopyScanning and transmission electron microscopy
    Image almost any sample material in nanometer resolution, from tissue sections, cell cultures, nanoparticles and even micelles in solution. This invaluable data supports detailed histopathology, immunocytochemistry, oncology and molecular biology. Label-free mapping of chemical elements gives additional information on ultrastructure and feature identification.