In vitro assays and cell culture

In vitro assays and cell culture services

In vitro assays and cell culture

In vitro assays and cell culture are vital steps in the drug development pipeline. It is vital to characterise the interactions of potential drug candidates and targets in a cellular environment early in the process. This can help determine the drug’s efficacy, toxicity, and method of action. Our cell culture facilities are available to support a wide variety of studies and assays:

Incucyte HD time lapse proliferation sequence

  • Cytosis and internalization using optical and confocal fluorescence microscopy or high resolution electron microscopy.
  • Toxicity, proliferation and chemotaxis assays using our Incucyte HD time lapse imaging.
  • Immunofluorescence screening and optimisation of drug targeting mechanisms.
  • Sub-culturing and expanding your cell line.

Our complete range of services provides the ideal all-in-one solution for your in vitro assay development.

EM Analytical

Providing advanced testing and characterisation services